
Legislative Up dates(11.01-11.07) | 法宝双语新闻

Editor's Note




Public Comments Requested on Six Bills


Lately, the Law on the Protection of Minors (Revised Draft), the Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency (Revised Draft), the Marriage and Family Part of Civil Code (Draft for Third Deliberation), the Community Correction Law (Draft for Second Deliberation), the Forest Law (Revised Draft for Second Deliberation), and the Archives Law (Revised Draft) were published on www.npc.gov.cn, and comments may be submitted until November 29, 2019.


The Law on the Protection of Minors (Revised Draft) incorporates some of the effective practices and experiences proven to be in line with China’s national conditions in practice into the Draft to respond positively to such widely concerned issues as family guardianship of minors, campus safety, infringement on personal rights and interests, and Internet addiction. The Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency (Revised Draft) enhances the duties of family guardianship and school discipline, consolidates the protection function of state organs, and classifies the deviant behaviors of minors into such three levels as misbehaviors, serious misbehaviors, and criminal behaviors with corresponding intervention or corrective measures respectively prescribed. The Marriage and Family Part of Civil Code (Draft for Third Deliberation) adds provisions that the families should establish good family traditions and carry forward family virtues; further safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of the adoptees; and clarifies that where a marriage is invalidated or revoked, the innocent party should have the right to claim damages. The Archives Law (Revised Draft) promotes the integration and sharing of digital archive resources in view of new situations and new tasks in the development of the current archives industry. In addition, the Community Correction Law (Draft for Second Deliberation) and the Forest Law (Revised Draft for Second Deliberation) revise and improve the first deliberation draft.


New Regulation on the Implementation of the Food Safety Law Released


Lately, the State Council issued the revised Regulation on the Implementation of the Food Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China, effective from December 1, 2019.


The Regulation enhances the food safety supervision by requiring governments above the county level to establish a uniform and authoritative supervision mechanism for enhanced regulatory capacity, making supplementary provisions on such supervisory means as random supervisory inspection, and trans-regional supervisory inspection, improving reward rules for tip-offs, and establishing a blacklist system for seriously illegal producers and business operators and a joint dishonesty punishment mechanism. It also refines the fundamental rules for food safety risk monitoring and food safety standards by strengthening the application of risk monitoring results, regulating the formulation of local standards for food safety, and clarifying the scope of recordation of enterprise standards, so as to make the food safety work more scientific. To further implement the primary responsibilities of producers and business operators in food safety, the duties of primary persons in charge of enterprises are detailed, the food storage and transportation are standardized, the false publicity of food is prohibited, and the management system for the special food is improved. The legal liabilities for food safety violations are improved, providing that fines should be imposed on legal representatives, primary persons in charge, directly liable persons in charge, and other directly liable persons of enterprises that deliberately commit illegal acts, and the strict legal liabilities are set for newly-added compulsory provisions.


Public Comments Requested on the Regulation for Implementation of the Foreign Investment Law


On November 1, 2019, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Commerce, and the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the Regulation for the Implementation of the Foreign Investment Law of the People's Republic of China (Exposure Draft), and comments may be submitted until December 1, 2019.


With a total of 45 articles in five chapters, the Draft covers, among others, basic issues on foreign investment, investment promotion, investment protection, investment management, transitional arrangements for the organizational forms of existing foreign-funded enterprises, and application of law to investment from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.


According to the Exposure Draft, the state is to establish a punitive compensation system for infringement of intellectual property rights to increasingly protect the foreign intellectual property rights. A foreign investor may, according to the law, freely transfer into or out of China, in Renminbi or a foreign currency, its contributions made, profits, capital gains, proceeds from disposition of assets, and royalties of intellectual property rights derived from, indemnity or compensation lawfully acquired, and income from liquidation, among others, within the territory of China, and no entity or individual may illegally restrict the currency, amount and frequency in remittance. Where a wholly-owned enterprise established outside the territory of China by a Chinese natural person, legal person or other organization invests within China, it may not be subject to the special administrative measure for access as specified in the foreign investment access negative list. Unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations, a foreign-funded enterprise shall have the right to decide to join in or withdraw from a chamber of commerce, association, or any other social organization on its own initiative, and no entity or individual may intervene. Where an investor from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or the Macao Special Administrative Region invests in the Mainland, the Foreign Investment Law and this Regulation shall apply, mutatis mutandis, and where an investor from Taiwan Region invests in the Mainland, the Law on the Protection of Investments by Taiwan Compatriots and the Detailed Rules for the Implementation thereof shall apply, and the matters not involved shall be subject to the Foreign Investment Law and this Regulation.



Announcement on Urging Criminal Syndicate-Related Fugitives to Surrender Themselves Issued


On November 4, 2019, the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Ministry of Justice jointly issued the Announcement on Urging Criminal Syndicate-Related Fugitives to Surrender Themselves, effective from the date of issuance.


According to the Announcement, it is an act of voluntary surrender for fugitives to surrender themselves and truthfully confess to their crimes from the date of issuance of this Announcement to January 31, 2020. Therefore, they may be given a lighter or mitigated penalty in accordance with the law; and those committing a relatively minor crime may be exempted from punishment in accordance with the law.


The Announcement provides for five circumstances where fugitives may be deemed to have voluntarily surrendered themselves: (1) They request another person to surrender them on their behalf with a failure to surrender themselves within the prescribed time limit due to objective reasons; (2) They voluntarily surrender themselves in the process of being wanted or pursued for capture after their escape; (3) It is verified to be true upon investigation that they have prepared to surrender themselves, or are on the way to surrender themselves when being arrested by the police; (4) They surrender themselves with their relatives or friends as company upon persuasion; and (5)The relatives or friends voluntarily turn fugitives in and then send them to the police.


Meanwhile, the Announcement also states the handling of criminal acts such as covering up or harboring fugitives and threatening or retaliating against informers or accusers.

Legislative Updates(10.25-10.31) 
Legislative Updates(10.18-10.24)
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