
中英对照 | 最高人民法院关于发布第29批指导性案例的通知

北大法宝 北大法律信息网 2023-02-10



来源 | 北大法宝法律法规库


[CLI Code] CLI.3.5077415(EN)




Case of substantive consolidation in bankruptcy reorganization of Jiangsu Textile Industry (Group) Import and Export Co., Ltd. and its five subsidiaries



Case of substantive consolidation in bankruptcy reorganization of Jiangsu Suchun Distillation Co., Ltd. and its related companies



Case of the trustee in bankruptcy of Chongqing Jinjiang Dyeing Co., Ltd. and Chongqing Chuanjiang Knitwear and Textile Co., Ltd. applying for substantive consolidation in bankruptcy liquidation

Notice by the Supreme People's Court of Issuing the Twenty-Ninth Group of Guiding Cases

指导案例163号 (Guiding Case No. 163)江苏省纺织工业(集团)进出口有限公司及其五家子公司实质合并破产重整案Case of substantive consolidation in bankruptcy reorganization of Jiangsu Textile Industry (Group) Import and Export Co., Ltd. and its five subsidiaries关键词 [Keywords]民事/破产重整/实质合并破产/关联企业/债转股/预表决civil, bankruptcy reorganization, substantive consolidation in bankruptcy, affiliated enterprise, debt for equity swap, preliminary voting裁判要点 [Key Points of Judgment]1. 当事人申请对关联企业合并破产的,人民法院应当对合并破产的必要性、正当性进行审查。关联企业成员的破产应当以适用单个破产程序为原则,在关联企业成员之间出现法人人格高度混同、区分各关联企业成员财产成本过高、严重损害债权人公平清偿利益的情况下,可以依申请例外适用关联企业实质合并破产方式进行审理。1. Where a party applies for consolidation of affiliated enterprises in bankruptcy, the people's court shall examine the necessity and legitimacy of the consolidation in bankruptcy. The bankruptcy of an affiliated enterprise shall be based on the principle of applying a single bankruptcy proceeding. In the case where there is a high degree of confusion of personality of affiliated incorporated enterprises, rendering the cost of distinguishing between the property of affiliated enterprises prohibitive, seriously injuring the fair payment interests of creditors, a trial may be conducted by means of exceptionally applying substantive consolidation in bankruptcy of affiliated enterprises on application.2. 采用实质合并破产方式的,各关联企业成员之间的债权债务归于消灭,各成员的财产作为合并后统一的破产财产,由各成员的债权人作为一个整体在同一程序中按照法定清偿顺位公平受偿。合并重整后,各关联企业原则上应当合并为一个企业,但债权人会议表决各关联企业继续存续,人民法院审查认为确有需要的,可以准许。2. If substantive consolidation in bankruptcy is adopted, the claims and debts between affiliated enterprises shall be extinguished, the property of each affiliated enterprise shall be unexceptionally the property of the estate after the consolidation, and the creditors of each affiliated enterprise shall be fairly paid as a whole in accordance with the statutory order of payment in the same proceeding. After the consolidation in reorganization, all affiliated enterprises shall be consolidated into one enterprise in principle, but if the creditors' meeting votes for the continued existence of the affiliated enterprises, the people's court may grant permission as it deems necessary upon examination.3. 合并重整中,重整计划草案的制定应当综合考虑进入合并的关联企业的资产及经营优势、合并后债权人的清偿比例、出资人权益调整等因素,保障各方合法权益;同时,可以灵活设计“现金+债转股”等清偿方案、通过“预表决”方式事先征求债权人意见并以此为基础完善重整方案,推动重整的顺利进行。3. In a consolidation in reorganization, the assets and operating advantages of affiliated enterprises to be consolidated, the payment ratio of creditors after the consolidation, the adjustment of the equities of capital contributors, and other factors shall be taken into account in formulating a draft reorganization plan to protect the lawful rights and interests of all parties; and in the meantime, payment plans such as "cash plus debt for equity swap" may be flexibly designed, creditors may be solicited for their opinions in advance by means of "preliminary voting," and the reorganization plan shall be improved on that basis, so as to promote the smooth progress of reorganization.指导案例164号 (Guiding Case No. 164)江苏苏醇酒业有限公司及关联公司实质合并破产重整案Case of substantive consolidation in bankruptcy reorganization of Jiangsu Suchun Distillation Co., Ltd. and its related companies关键词 [Keywords]民事/破产重整/实质合并破产/投资人试生产/利益衡平/监督civil, bankruptcy reorganization, substantive consolidation in bankruptcy, investor's trial production, balance of interests, supervision裁判要点 [Key Points of Judgment]在破产重整过程中,破产企业面临生产许可证等核心优质资产灭失、机器设备闲置贬损等风险,投资人亦希望通过试生产全面了解企业经营实力的,管理人可以向人民法院申请由投资人先行投入部分资金进行试生产。破产企业核心资产的存续直接影响到破产重整目的实现,管理人的申请有利于恢复破产企业持续经营能力,有利于保障各方当事人的利益,该试生产申请符合破产保护理念,人民法院经审查,可以准许。同时,投资人试生产在获得准许后,应接受人民法院、管理人及债权人的监督,以公平保护各方的合法权益。Where in the process of bankruptcy reorganization, a bankrupt enterprise faces risks such as the extinction of production permits and other high-quality core assets and the non-use impairment of machinery and equipment, and investors hope to fully understand the operating strength of the enterprise through trial production, the trustee may apply to the people's court for trial production funded by the investment made by the investors in advance. If the existence of the core assets of the bankrupt enterprise directly affects the realization of the purpose of bankruptcy reorganization, the trustee's application is conducive to the restoration of the bankrupt enterprise's viability as a going concern and to safeguarding the interests of all parties, and the trial production application conforms to the concept of bankruptcy protection, the people's court may grant permission upon examination. In the meantime, investors' trial production as granted shall be under the supervision of the people's court, the trustee, and creditors after obtaining approval for trial production, so as to protect the lawful rights and interests of all parties in a fair manner.指导案例165号 (Guiding Case No. 165)重庆金江印染有限公司、重庆川江针纺有限公司破产管理人申请实质合并破产清算案Case of the trustee in bankruptcy of Chongqing Jinjiang Dyeing Co., Ltd. and Chongqing Chuanjiang Knitwear and Textile Co., Ltd. applying for substantive consolidation in bankruptcy liquidation关键词 [Keywords]民事/破产清算/实质合并破产/关联企业/听证civil, bankruptcy liquidation, substantive consolidation in bankruptcy, affiliated enterprise, hearing裁判要点 [Key Points of Judgment]1. 人民法院审理关联企业破产清算案件,应当尊重关联企业法人人格的独立性,对各企业法人是否具备破产原因进行单独审查并适用单个破产程序为原则。当关联企业之间存在法人人格高度混同、区分各关联企业财产的成本过高、严重损害债权人公平清偿利益时,破产管理人可以申请对已进入破产程序的关联企业进行实质合并破产清算。1. When trying cases of bankruptcy liquidation of affiliated enterprises, the people's courts shall respect the independence of the personality of affiliated incorporated enterprises, separately examine whether each incorporated enterprise has reasons for bankruptcy, and apply a single bankruptcy proceeding in principle. When there is a high degree of confusion of personality of affiliated enterprises, rendering the cost of distinguishing between the property of each affiliated enterprise prohibitive, seriously injuring the fair payment interests of creditors, the trustee in bankruptcy may apply for substantive consolidation in bankruptcy liquidation of the affiliated enterprises subject to a bankruptcy proceeding.2. 人民法院收到实质合并破产清算申请后,应当及时组织申请人、被申请人、债权人代表等利害关系人进行听证,并综合考虑关联企业之间资产的混同程度及其持续时间、各企业之间的利益关系、债权人整体清偿利益、增加企业重整的可能性等因素,依法作出裁定。2. After receiving the application for substantive consolidation in bankruptcy liquidation, the people's court shall organize a hearing attended by interested parties such as the applicant, the respondents, and creditor representatives in a timely manner, and take into account the degree of confusion of assets of affiliated enterprises, the duration of such confusion, the relationship of interests among all the enterprises, the overall payment interests of creditors, the increase in the possibility of enterprise reorganization, and other factors in making a ruling in accordance with the law.因篇幅所限,本文截取部分内容推送给大家,欢迎点击文末“阅读原文”进入“北大法宝·英文译本库”查看完整中英文对照版。















责任编辑 | 吴晓婧

审核人员 | 董帅

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